Last Week in Review: Rising Rates and New Home Sales August has not been kind to bonds and interest rates. Even though the Federal Reserve did not hold a meeting […]
Latest News Author: Jordan Reed
Last Week in Review: We Are Going to Jackson For the past couple of weeks, interest rates remained within a range and haven't moved higher or lower, seemingly waiting for […]
Last Week in Review: Inflation Cools, Market Drools This past week an important reading on consumer inflation showed that we might have seen inflation peak in July. In response, the […]
Last Week In Review: Fed Rate Hikes Push Home Loan Rates Lower Last week home loan rates continued to gradually improve since the Fed hiked rates by .75% in both […]
The Federal Reserve raised the Fed Funds Rate by .75% in a widely expected move while home loan rates continue to be well off the highest levels in June. Let's […]
Last Week in Review: It's Fed Week The quiet before the storm. This past week, Fed officials were literally "quiet" with no speeches ahead of next week's Fed Meeting where […]
Last Week in Review: The Big Rate Hike This past week, the Federal Reserve raised the Federal Funds Rate by .75%, the first such hike since 1994. Let's walk through […]
Last Week in Review: Three New Concerns for the Fed This past week, home loan rates increased slightly from the previous week as we are just a couple of days […]
Last Week in Review: The Feds Job on Jobs Home loan rates increased slightly from the previous week as we are just a couple of weeks before the next Fed […]
Last Week in Review: Some Good News on Rates This past week, home loan rates improved to the best levels in a month. The 10-yr Note yield closed beneath 2.80% […]